While we were gone, our crew found us a really good spot for service in Lewiston, just outside of a nice restaurant/bar. We all hung out in service for a bit as Brandon and Dmitriy cooked up some food and made some coffee.
Somewhere in the middle, we get caught out behind an Open Light Subaru and after some frustration, we passed them in a huge spectator area. It was pretty exciting. By the time we got back to service, everybody had heard about this story and it had really grown in scale. Now people thought that we entered the corner side by side and we almost hit them...and they were 12 feet tall and ate children! It was crazy. We rolled back into service after the infamous Ranch stage which is rough and tight, and really didn't have a lot for the crew to do. The car held up great. We pretty much installed and aimed the lights and checked that all parts and fluids were still present (they were).
And off we went on the night stages. Halfway through SS6 Greasy Fishlab (I love that name), I started feeling a little bit motion sick which sucked. Then, we had a very short transit to SS7 Orchard Lake so I had no time to recover and then we embarked on the longest stage of the rally. I managed to survive and Sean drove admirably with my kind of distant note-reading. I made it all the way to the control at the end of the stage and politely asked if I could use their woods. That sucked, but at least I didn't throw up in the car. I think I'll put on a new Scopolamine patch tonight.
Now we're all very tired, and we resume the second half of the rally tomorrow morning with Parc Exposé in Atlanta at 8AM. I'm excited but apprehensive. Rally is hard. The results haven't been published as of the writing of this post, but I'll try to get them up when they get posted.
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